👀Legal Statement

Killuminati Token (henceforth referred to as “KILL”) are not intended to constitute securities, units in a business trust, or units in a collective investment scheme or its equivalent or any other regulated products in any jurisdiction.

These docs are meant to provide more information on the Killuminati, and does not constitute a prospectus or offer document of any sort. These docs does not constitute or form part of any opinion or any advice to sell, or any recommendation or solicitation of any offer to purchase KILL nor shall it or any part of it or the fact of its presentation form the basis of, any contract or investment decision. No regulatory authority has examined or approved any of the information set out in these docs. No such action has been or will be taken under the laws, regulatory requirements or of any jurisdiction. The publication, distribution or dissemination of these docs does not imply that the applicable laws, regulatory requirements or rules have been complied with.

Last updated